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1. The literary rights of the content (e.g. information, data) and Services of the website that have been uploaded or will be uploaded to the website are protected by the Greek, European and international law on literary rights and belong exclusively to, and they are available to its visitors for strictly personal (non-commercial) use. 2. All the content of the present website, including images, graphics, photographs, drawings, texts, of the services provided and in general all the files of this website are the intellectual property, the distinctive features and the registered marks and marks of services and are protected by the relevant provisions of the Greek law, the European Law and the international conventions and treaties. Therefore, none of these shall constitute, in whole or in part, an object of sale, copying, modification, reproduction, and republication or shall be downloaded, transmitted or distributed in any way whatsoever. The user understands and accepts that he/she is not granted the right to reproduce, copy, sell, resell or/and commercially exploit in no way whatsoever, in whole or in part, the content of the present website and therefore any copying, distribution, transfer, modification, resale, creation of a derivative product or misleading to the public as regards the real provider of the website content, is prohibited. Any reproduction, reediting, uploading, announcement, propagation or transmission or any other use of the content, in any way or means whatsoever, for commercial and/or other purpose is allowed except after a previous written authorization by or other beneficiary of the literary rights. 3. is under no obligation to control the information provided by other advertisers which is available through its system and may be potentially unpleasant, harmful, inaccurate or misleading. The users assume sole responsibility for all information transmitted via the present website and kindly requests it be used with caution and reason so as to ensure the safety of the commercial transactions when handling information from its website. The users are also requested to acknowledge the risk of potential transactions with minors or individuals with misleading information, or persons who are not lawful representatives of the parties considered as legal entities, whose identity, accuracy of statements and intentions can in no way guarantee or ensure. 4. provides the content (e.g. information, names, photographs, images), the products and services available via the website “EXACTLY AS THEY ARE”, without any kind of representation, authorization or written guarantee, express or implied, whereas it goes without saying that the satisfactory quality, suitability, inviolability of compatibility, security and accuracy are guaranteed. By no means shall be liable for any claims of legal, civil or/and penal nature not even for any damage (direct, special or indirect, which not exhaustively but indicatively, disjunctively or/and cumulatively constitutes a loss of earning, data, indirect loss of earning, monetary satisfaction etc.) from visitors of the website or third parties on grounds related or not to the operation or/and the use of the website or/and to failure to provide services or/and information made available by it or/and any non permitted third party interventions to products or/and services or/and information made available through this. The content and the information included in the present website constitute an offer to the visitor/user as well as to the Internet users community in general and in no way could they be interpreted as valid information or/and advices or/and incitation and in no way whatsoever they dissimulate any incitation or dissuasion to act or not in a specific way. 5. Consequently, the visitors/users of, using its services on their own initiative, assume the relevant responsibility to cross-check the services provided. Advertisements of any form are possibly included or likely to be included in future at website. The existing as well as any new services to be included in website is subject to the present terms of use, unless otherwise and expressly indicated. The visitor/user of the services at understands and accepts that the totality of the pages/services is provided “as is” and assumes no legal liability related to the limited time duration, the deletion, the low quality or the non availability of electronic storage of any data of the users or/and any content of personal pages/services. 6. The visitor/user is responsible for access to the services of the website where as the respective access may imply the payment of fees to third entities (e.g. internet service providers, charging for Internet access time). The visitor/user is solely responsible for the payment of the relevant fees. Moreover, the visitor/user is exclusively responsible as regards his personal equipment and the necessary technological means permitting him access to the services of the website. 7. The present website could possibly include links to third parties’ websites, for which disclaims any responsibility in respect of the content of these web pages and for any damage that may be caused by their use, since the visitor gains access to them in his own responsibility. It is not duty to verify the availability, the content, the personal data protection policy, the quality and the completeness of service in other websites and pages referred to via website links, hyperlinks or advertising banners. Therefore, for any problem arising during their visit/use, the visitor/user should address directly the relevant websites and pages, which bear the entire responsibility relevant to the service provided. in no case should be deemed as adopting or accepting the content or the services of the websites and pages referred to in website links or related to them in any other way. 8. The use of the website is meant exclusively for lawful purposes, and in such a way that third party access is not restricted or hindered. The visitor should use the website in compliance with the law, the good morals and the present terms. The visitor should not commit any acts or omissions likely to cause damage or malfunction to the website, adversely affect or jeopardize service provision. 9. takes every effort possible for the right functionality of its network, but cannot guarantee that the function of its website or its servers will be uninterrupted or without errors, free of viruses or other harmful elements. 10. Considering the stipulations of the present terms and acknowledging the website as a meeting place, for any disputes that might arise with one or more advertisers, third parties or users, (and the executive employees, managers, agents, employees, added parties and generally every person who acts on account and in the name of disclaims any responsibility, demand and damage positive or/and negative, known or/and unknown, future or past, even if it cannot be expressly projected, which might arise in any occasion involving such a dispute and from using in general website. 11. reserves the right to modify, add, change the content or the services of the website as well as the terms of use, at any time this is considered necessary and without prior notice, with the sole relevant announcement of these on the website. 12. Given the nature and the volume of the Internet, under any conditions, including negligence, assumes no legal liability for any form of damage suffered by the visitor/user of the web pages, services, options and content of the present website visited by the visitor/user on his own initiative. The contents of are provided as are, without any express or implied guarantee in any way. To the utmost degree of compliance with the law, disclaims all and any guarantees express or implied, including, but not limited to, those implying the tradability and the suitability for a specific purpose. cannot guarantee that the pages, services, options and content will be provided without interruptions, without errors and that the errors will be corrected. Likewise, cannot guarantee that the present website or any other relative site or servers through which these sites become available to the users/members are free of viruses or other harmful elements. cannot guarantee in no way the correctness, the completeness or the availability of the content, pages, services, options or the results thereof. The cost for eventual corrections or facilities is born by the visitor/user and in no case by Visiting the website implies the unreserved acceptance of the aforesaid terms of use. The use of the services implies the unreserved acceptance of the 13. The aforesaid terms and conditions for the use of the present website, including any modification thereof, are governed and supplemented by the Greek law, the European Union law and the relevant international conventions/treaties. If any provision of the terms above turns to run contrary to the law, it ceases to have effect in its own right and it is removed from the present terms of use, without prejudice to the remainder of the terms in any case. The present document constitutes a comprehensive agreement between and the visitor/user of its pages and services and is solely binding them. No amendment of these terms should be taken into account and be a part of this agreement if not expressed in writing and integrated into it.